
Enriching skills in FinCrime


Continuous skill enhancement is a must

Skill based

Scenario based study imparting you relevant knowledge and sharing insights into global regulatory framework


Covering the entire spectrum of financial crime under a single program


Frequently updated content to cover current trends and challenges

Globally recognised certification in FinCrime

We are the sole representatives of Association of Certified Financial Crime Specialists (ACFCS) in India and offer all their resources at a special pricing for India.

ACFCS addresses the full spectrum of financial crime empowering specialists all over the globe with resources that improve results. The CFCS certification offered by them arms professionals with diverse skills and broad based knowledge to make them future ready and cross pollinate learnings across different roles and responsibilities (

ACFCS also offers a training program in Crypto Compliance Specialisation (C2S) that is uniquely developed to identify fincrime risks posed by crypto currencies, understand compliance controls, and navigate the evolving regulatory framework around crypto. The program is developed  in conjunction with Chainalaysis (

For special rates for India and further details, kindly schedule a call.

One-on-one preparatory course for CFCS certification are conducted by Ajcon EduFin Pvt. Ltd., sole representative of ACFCS in India.


Continuous skill enhancement is a must

Skill based

Scenario based study imparting you relevant knowledge and sharing insights into global regulatory framework


Covering the entire spectrum of financial crime under a single program


Frequently updated content to cover current trends and challenges

CFCS preparatory resources

Recently conducted Training programs

- Training program on Overview of FATF recommendations & upcoming evaluation - Thursday, July 27, 2023
- Trade-based Money Laundering (TBML), ACFCS accredited program (virtual) - Thursday, July 20, 2023
- Understanding International AML Guidelines ACFCS accredited program (virtual) - Friday, 19 May, 2023
- Overview of Crypto Frauds & Investigation Tools, ACFCS accredited program (virtual) - Tuesday, June 20, 2023.​

Customised Skill based Training programs

Our team understands your training requirements and curates a customised program accordingly. All training programs are accredited by ACFCS and provide you CFCS credits that can be redeemed while pursuing CFCS certification.