Know the Legal Authorities in India – Statutory Bodies
Know the Global Bodies/ Norms
1. The Financial Intelligence Unit -India ("FIU-Ind")
- Central, national agency for receiving, processing, analyzing and disseminating information.
- Relating to suspect financial transactions to LEAs and foreign FIUs.
- Coordinating and strengthening efforts of national and international intelligence, investigation and enforcement agencies.
- Reporting directly to the Economic Intelligence Council (EIC) headed by the Finance Minister.
- Issues guidance and directions to Reporting Entities related to AML/CFT measures.
2. The Registrar of Companies ("RoC")
- All companies and LLPs to be registered with the ROC.
- ROC to monitor companies and LLPs comply with statutory requirements.
- Have offices in various Staes and UTs.
- Information on registered entities available to public.
3. National Intelligence Bureau (IB)
Working across the country in investigation of a range of crimes:
Corruption, Crime, Fake currency, Narcotic drugs, Wild life protection, Antiques smuggling, Corruption, Illegal stamp/post, weapons, Human right protection, Bonded labor, Child labor, Women protection, etc.
4. Central Economic Intelligence Bureau (CEIB)
- Nodal agency in the Ministry of Finance.
- Receives information from LEAs.
- Central Repository of economic offence records.
- Analysed and shared with other LEAs.
- Coordinating agency for sharing of information and holistic investigations.
5. National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID)
- Information-sharing platform between intelligence agencies and e-governance organisations in India.
- Integrating databases from different governments, quasi-government, as well as private organisations.
- Organised as an office of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
- Accessible to 11 investigation agencies, including RAW, CIB, ED.
Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA)
- Providing and coordinating defence and military intelligence to Indian Armed Forces.
- Administered within the Ministry of Defence.
- Supports defence planning, operations, and weapon systems acquisition.
7. Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB)
- To combat organized wildlife crime.
- Collects and collates intelligence related to organized wildlife crime activities.
- To disseminate the same to State and LEAs.
- To establish a centralized wildlife crime data bank.
- To co-ordinate actions by various agencies.